4 reasons why your website needs videoIf you’re only publishing text articles on your blog and ignoring video you may be losing out on potential visitors. Adding video content to your site allows you to gain a wider audience reach, craft a more compelling story and get more visitors. Here are a few reasons why you should incorporate digital media on your site.

Surfers Love Video Content

Website visitors have shorter attention spans than ever before and want to consume content as fast as possible. Viewers are more likely to engage with video content instead of a large wall of text. Millenials are more likely to watch footage on Youtube than watch tv. Youtube is the second largest search engine next to Google with more than a billion visitors every month. Adding digital content to your site allows you to hold the interest of fickle surfers longer and reach a wider audience.

Tell A Compelling Story

Embedding video content into your blog post offers more value to the reader and gives your site an edge compared to those with just text content. For example, if you have a beauty website you could film footage of step-by-step makeup tutorials. This allows you to share small details which may be difficult to include in an article.

If you’re a business owner you’ll want to use digital media to tell the story behind your brand. People connect more with businesses that have a higher purpose other than just making money and video can be used to highlight your company’s beliefs and charity involvement. If you sell a product you could create videos explaining how to use or troubleshoot it. The possibilities of what can be created with digital content is only limited by your imagination.

Get More Traffic

You can promote your site and extra traffic by adding a link in the description box below your Youtube video. Videos also have the potential to rank in Google as well as Youtube’s internal search engine. It’s another way to gain more visitors and increase your online visibility.

Promote Across All Social Media Channels

Another reason to add video content to your site is that snippets can also be used on social media channels such as Instagram and Twitter. This means that you can get a lot of traction from just one piece of content.

How To Get Started

DSLR’s cameras are considered the best but if you’re on a budget, a point-and-shoot camera that shoots in 1080HD will suffice. There’s a plethora of video editing software programs available that makes editing a cinch. You can even shoot footage from your phone. You don’t need a pc either; Filmora is an easy to use video edit software that allows you to trim, crop and slow down or speed up the footage from your mobile device. Once you have the footage in place you can host the footage on Youtube and embed it in your post.

There are more websites online now than ever before but you can make yours stand out by adding unique content that’s not readily available on your competitor’s sites. Add digital content to your site today in order to increase your site’s popularity, gain more visitors and increase your online presence.