Bordex is a responsive Free Fashion WordPress theme, with its colorful and artistic background, it is suitable for fashion or entertainment niche WordPress website. The theme also had built-in Google web fonts options, more than 700+ fonts to choose. Want to featured some posts in homepage? you can do it in this theme also via customizer home setting. Ready markup for article, breadcrumb and comment, you can disable either one of it if you want.
Unlimited colors for primary color that include navigation, permalink button and link color. This free fashion WordPress theme also had built-in simple social button. Above all, the theme looks great in both mobile and desktop with its responsive features.
Here are some of the theme features:
Google Web Fonts
Everyone love modern fonts for their website. Setup to use Google web font is easy but we make it even more easier now with the theme built-in Google web fonts options. just click and choose your desired body font, headline (h1,h2…) font and navigation font.
Unlimited Color Options
You can edit your own color scheme in customizer->colors->primary
Mobile Friendly
With the increase of mobile internet users through out the year. Making your website view-able in mobile have become a ‘must-have’ features.
Other Features
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- Logo and Fav icon setting in customizer->site identity
- Microformat ready for Google snippet
- Post and Breadcrumbs Schema for prettier search structure in SERP
- Homepage featured category or posts
- Built in social sharing buttons
- 700+ Google Web Fonts to choose from
- Google or any embed advertisement code in header, post loop, sidebars and single post
- Custom widget – recent post with thumbnail, popular post with thumbnail, featured posts with category and Custom Post Type widgets
- BuddyPress, BBPress and Woocommerce support
- Localization Ready ( mo and po file inside language folder )
Still looking for more responsive WordPress theme? Checkout more Free Responsive WordPress Magazine Themes from MagPress.